iFly Chicago

Happy Monday ya’ll! If you’re anything like me, this day couldn’t go by any slower. Why are Mondays seriously the worst? Even with the best mindset going in, I always feel like Mondays like to take a sh*t on you and your life. The only thing you can really do to overcome it is a big glass of wine and reminisce about the weekend.

I had the opportunity to go check out iFly this weekend with the babe and his family. I had gotten us these tickets for Christmas and just now redeemed them- woops. But regardless of that, we had a BLAST. Seriously some of the most exciting and adventurous thing I’ve done in awhile and everyone had fun. This is something really for the whole family.


iFly takes you through a instruction video and your instructor will teach you the basics. The staff was amazing, extremely patient and had a good sense of humor. After the instructions were given, they got you suited up in a suit, goggles and helmets (talk about a sexy look…). From there you formed a line and got into the tunnel. One by one you were taken into the wind chamber and experienced 1 min of “flying”. This was such a cool feeling, being able to fly and feeling weightless. After your first turn, you can opt to go up high with the instructor ($10.00 additional charge) or just fly low again for a minute. We opted to go up and it was so exciting. That experience felt more free and liberating, I can see why it becomes addicting.

All in all, we had such a great time at iFly and I highly recommend it to anyone that’s looking for a little adventure in their lives. We’ll definitely be back for more!



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